Who We Are...
Hello! I’m Rusti, proprietress of Empty Meow Corral, and dedicated caretaker and guardian of feral cats in my community. I have made it my life’s ambition to educate people about feral cats and the practice of TNR: Trap, Neuter, Return.
I am unwavering in my commitment to save as many feral kitties as I can. I take every opportunity to educate others on how to combat the astronomical numbers of feral cats worldwide. Empty Meow Corral is not an adoption facility; none of our kits are available to adopt. I release all ferals I trap, but always keep all kittens, pregnant mommas and sick or injured kits; all are spayed or neutered and lovingly cared for, for life. The kits I have at my facility now are those that never left once released, so I have integrated them into my existing colony.
It’s hard work and not cheap, but I do what I can with what I’ve got. If you would like to help us, please consider making a small donation to our PayPal account, shop our Etsy shop, or choose from our Amazon Wishlist. Every purrchase or donation you give allows me to do needed EMC repairs, pay vet bills, get food and litter, etc. Caring for my current ferals is paramount, but your help also gives me the ability to rescue feral cats in need.
Thank mew so much! I simply cannot do this without YOU.
How You Can Help Support Empty Meow Corral
Please note that the websites we use for our Etsy Shop, Paypal account, and Amazon Wishlist are secure links to each individual site. Note URLs containing https, which means they are secure and safe to use.
Meet Our Ferals!
Please help us spread our mission and our love for feral felines and share the fun of this video.
We want kitty enclosures and catwalks to go up around the world!!